Category: Journalism

  • Good journalism

    “A Claim to Camelot” by Vanity Fair writer David Friend: No better way to distract oneself from writing a horribly dry journalism ethics paper (my last ever in my academic career!!! Noteworthy in itself, actually). Also, to explain the absenteeism: There are 10 days until I put the Review to bed. Ugh.

  • New Boss.

    I have decided to take a summer job offer for a business reporting internship at Dow Jones Canada. I don’t know anything about the stock markets, or business, or the economy or anything to do with numbers at all, but I figure if I don’t go down in a ball of flaming glory first, I…

  • Anagrams

    Here are some anagrams of my name: Eugenic clan Licence a gnu Cue in glance Clean ice gun Lunge ice can Uncle in cage Acne lice gun Nice lace gun I haven’t been doing much with my life, besides the Ryerson Review of Journalism and McClung’s. The latter goes to print next week, so I’m…

  • Shameless self promotion!

    Just to show you guys that I don’t spend all my time just bitching about journalism… here’s some proof I actually do some of it. Sometimes. I was interviewed by a CBC radio crew as part of a panel discussion on The Future of News, which digitally airs Wednesday, Oct. 17 at 6 p.m. I…

  • Up, Down, A, B: The consumerist’s roundup.

    Also known as… Things I Really Love These Days Rayman’s Rabid Rabbids: This game is so awesome. If you are amused by the following: shooting toilet plungers at rabid, wild-eyed bunnies dancing a la Dance Dance Revolution to a bunny-sung rendition of such classics as “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun,” “Rapper’s Delight,” and “La Bamba”…