Preface: This post will heretofore be known as Part 2 of last month’s entry, “Things I Regret“.
In Part 1, I mentioned how a combination of fate and dysfunction left me with a total of 0 photos of my first boyfriend, Lee. Four years ago, I was invited by John to be an audience member for this Zwan performance on MuchMusic (I come in at 7:50). I had already made plans with Lee, so I felt obliged to bring him along, even though at a very nascent three weeks into the relationship, I had a nagging suspicion he hated my taste in music. But I didn’t care. I was obsessed with Billy Corgan.
So we were whisked into the CHUM building, and given a prime TV spot behind the drumset of one Jimmy Chamberlin. He even gave me one of his drumsticks during the commercial break. I still have it, perched on top of my VHS copy of Vieuphoria and next to to the $1 USD bill, signed by Billy Corgan (which I promptly framed the next morning).
The point being, in the whole 9-minute clip, there isn’t a single fucking shot of Lee! This guy must have been a CSIS agent or something – between the frustration of trying to get through to his phone and his sketchy, noncommittal behaviour, I should have seen it coming. Haha.
On the up-side, you all have more blackmail material. Do you see the fading blue streaks in my hair? My only saving grace is the Rival Schools tee on my back. Thanks to Peter for giving me the heads-up on this little gem.
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