Category: Journalism
More stuff you should pretend to be interested in.
The third-year magazine stream students put out a year-end publication of their field notes assignments. For those not attuned to modern Canadian magazine parlance, field notes are what The Walrus calls their sub-1,000 word explorations of the world’s most curious places and events. I wrote mine on the Andy Warhol exhibit that happened at the…
I’m a gurnalist!
To update: I got the job at Spacing! Our printer for McClung’s sketched out, and now we may not get it out for a long while. This is kind of desperate, but if you know of a kind-hearted, reliable printer in this horrid city who might cut us a deal, please contact me. I was…
Word of Mouth portraits
Some shots of J-school classmates from the past few weeks.
Reconsidering one’s life ambition…
… is a very scary thing. Okay maybe I’m not actually reconsidering, but given my utter lack of enthusiasm for school and the bike-mania of late, it’s a very appetizing fantasy to play out in my head. Through the acquaintance of a new (bike messenger) friend, I was offered a job bike messengering. In a…
Public service announcement
I don’t usually write anything worth reading, but if there’s one thing you should pay attention to, it’s this: Syrian-American psychologist Wafa Sultan condemns Islamic fundamentalism on Al-Jazeera, calling Muslims “primitive” and believing in the “supernatural”: It is a clash between civilization and backwardness, between the civilized and the primitive, between barbarity and rationality. It…