There is a god! (part 2)

The Canon M30/M80 – I know it came out last month, so I’m a bit late to the game, but it’s essentially a hard drive with a screen and a CF slot, and an invaluable gadget for the traveling or on-site photographer. This would have come in handy at the wedding I shot a couple weeks ago (note to self: FINISH EDITING DE DAMN TINGS!!). Instead, I left my laptop in the car and had to dump images every 3 hours. Canice is my name, and half-assed professionalism is my game.






2 responses to “There is a god! (part 2)”

  1. Richard Avatar

    There are the Epson P-series. They’ve got the P-1000, P-2000, and P-4000.

  2. david Avatar

    oh, richard just beat me, but i aggree still the same. I got the 40gig Epson p 2000 last summer. it’s not too fast for copying a card but so amazing for trips and shooting any event longer then usual. you can also load on mpeg movies/tvshows and watch on the road. ps – formertransformer is going to be soooooo amazing !

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