Canice Does Coney Island 2006



This place is unbelievable, and totally worth the one hour subway ride. Covered all the touristy trappings: the fairway, the boardwalk, the beach. Had some strawberry shortcakes and some great shots. I’ll definitely go back there before I head home, and hopefully on a day when it’s not as cold or windy.

I shot in RAW format, so if you see a discernably higher quality in the photos, that’s why. I was going for a more stark, expansive look that had a landscape feel, because I’m trying to train myself to think as a conceptual photographer. After making some updates to my web portfolio, I am realizing how one-dimensional my work is sometimes, and I want to change that. Will post more over the coming days.

Tomorrow is the Puerto Rican Day Parade. Busy weekend. The theme of the day will be families.






One response to “Canice Does Coney Island 2006”

  1. pat Avatar

    coney island looks pretty sick. i’ll have to check it out next time im in the NYC area

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