Category: Snapshots
Roncesvalles beauty parlour
Beauty parlour on Roncesvalles Avenue, Toronto, May 11, 2013
Lakeshore Blvd.
Last week riding on the Lakeshore. Part of this summer’s goal to actually see the city.
‘Your job sucks’
The guitarist from Iron Age before their set last night at Adrift. The first show I’ve photographed since October of last year. See more at Former Transformer.
An Inventory
It’s snowing. My shoes are salty and ruined. And my bike is in storage. Complete contents of one (1) Supreme scatter-weave backpack in olive green, because I can: Nalgene bottle three copies of McClung’s wrinkled and torn A-section and crossword from the Toronto Star one battered reporter’s notebook one tattered RSU-issued agenda, with miscellaneous notes,…
A Year in Review, 2006
In keeping with my own little annual e-traditions, it’s the photo year in review! Happy new year, bebs and bebettes.