Category: Snapshots

  • Roncesvalles beauty parlour

    Beauty parlour on Roncesvalles Avenue, Toronto, May 11, 2013

  • Lakeshore Blvd.

    Last week riding on the Lakeshore. Part of this summer’s goal to actually see the city.

  • ‘Your job sucks’

    The guitarist from Iron Age before their set last night at Adrift. The first show I’ve photographed since October of last year. See more at Former Transformer.

  • An Inventory

    It’s snowing. My shoes are salty and ruined. And my bike is in storage. Complete contents of one (1) Supreme scatter-weave backpack in olive green, because I can: Nalgene bottle three copies of McClung’s wrinkled and torn A-section and crossword from the Toronto Star one battered reporter’s notebook one tattered RSU-issued agenda, with miscellaneous notes,…

  • A Year in Review, 2006

    In keeping with my own little annual e-traditions, it’s the photo year in review! Happy new year, bebs and bebettes.