Category: Protests

  • How I learned to stop worrying and love the layoff

    I love my job at the Toronto Star. The elevator spiel — that I get paid to look at photos all day — really is the happy truth. Like, I got to make a video about a Lego man who went to space. But the Star, like all newspapers, is struggling. (They posted a 44…

  • Morning after G20 Toronto riots

    The morning after the G20 riots, I roamed around a much-quieter downtown Toronto. The Eaton Centre was very empty for a weekend afternoon. And lots of stop-and-searches by police. Taken Sunday, June 27, 2010.

  • Scream for Darfur rally

    Protestor Mahmoud Bashir Rather belated, but I was having some computer troubles that prevented me from posting this photoset. These were taken at Queen’s Park this past Sunday (April 30), in a rally that urged the government to take action in Darfur. In a nutshell, genocide and civil war has resulted in the deaths of…

  • We’ve been jammed!

    In celebration of spring (aka biking weather) and in complete, utterly aghast ire at how dangerous and oblivious drivers in downtown Toronto are, I decided to join the masses for Critical Mass. It happens on the last Friday of every month, a spontaneous, unorganized gathering of cyclists who ride around the city in huge packs…