Author: caniceleung

  • It’s a good life if you can swing it

    Three people attending to a very happy bulldog (with purple-painted nails!) at Woofstock, in Toronto on June 11, 2011.

  • Morning after G20 Toronto riots

    The morning after the G20 riots, I roamed around a much-quieter downtown Toronto. The Eaton Centre was very empty for a weekend afternoon. And lots of stop-and-searches by police. Taken Sunday, June 27, 2010.

  • Motorcycles and stuff

    Some photos from the motorcycle show a couple weekends ago in Toronto. (Oh, right. I did a stupid thing a few months ago and bought a motorcycle. Sorry mom.)

  • Atsushi Wada

    Day of Nose, Atsushi Wada Sometimes you spend 10 minutes watching a short animated movie that on the surface appears to not have any meaning, but you still come out of it feeling deeply unsettled.

  • Where the wild things are

    I’ve been working the Toronto Star for almost two years now, and I’ve finally written my first piece for them… a little essay about the joy of foraging for berries in the city. A pint of serviceberries is however you value an hour’s work. Grasp the branch with one hand, an open plastic bag looped…