Month: June 2008

  • Career moves

    The fine boys at Stuck in the City were kind enough to give me a soapbox, which I’m always eager to stand on, to yap about my band photography. You can read it on their blog, and peruse some of the better/stranger photos I’ve taken in my day. For more, go to Former Transformer. Also,…

  • Want it.

  • China’s Silver Lining

    Sophisticated people are honestly trying to do the right thing, in ways official propaganda had not prepared me for. Like England, the United States, Japan, and others before it, China is passing through the environmental-disaster stage of industrialization and beginning to clean up. The difference is that those countries waited until they were rich before…

  • Real Food

    The most indulgent part about being done school and thrust into the working world is that I always come home at a reliable time. Which means I can cook dinner once more. The absense of this ritual this past school year was excruciating — how I hated scurrying over to the Dominion supermarket across the…

  • iPhone 3G

    In 30 days.