Idle Hands

I’m bored. McClung’s distro is done (for now), work at Green Candy is on semi-haitus (since my boss is in California for two weeks, I’m working from home), and Spacing jobs are doing der ting at der own pace. Unless I decide to send in some pitches, man I am… bored.

Because of this, I’ve finally had some time to make a dent in my backlog of photo editing. Here are some from Charles Tilden‘s infamous urban explorative concerts. The gist of it is, a band of musicians and their acquaintences (numbering about 50) surreptitiously enter a building or site otherwise forbidden from public access, and set up an impromptu concert with acoustic guitars and other non-electric instruments. The first one was in the ballroom at the King Edward Hotel last April; the ballroom has been abandoned and unused since the 50’s, and it’s a crying shame because it’s beautiful.

It was pretty amazing how much more awe-inspiring a space can feel when it’s filled with people and music, as though we had done the ballroom a favour in bringing it back to its original glory, if only for a few hours. If you are ever in the area of King and Yonge, I urge you to pose as a businessman/woman and make your way up there – it’s one of the best parts of the city. I’ve included some pictures after the cut.

Anyway, the point is, it took Charles a year to follow up on his second installment of this concert series. We met at his house on the west-end of downtown Toronto, where we promptly crossed the street into an apartment complex under construction, and climbed up to the roof.

This guy’s name is Jesse. He was a very good singer.

Some of the King Eddy pictures:






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